It is that time of year.
I haven't done all the tidy-up spring gardening but a little warmth is finally creeping in and the daffodils are starting to bloom. It hasn't snowed since Monday!
I did plant tulips years ago but the deer eat them - bulbs and all.
The little lawn violets are blooming too. The snow drops and crocuses are finished. In town today I saw forsythia beginning to bloom. Mine is always very late and a rather unkept scraggle of a plant but, in that we live on a hill without trees right close to the house, the forsythia is allowed to stay as a perch for the birds.
Last weekend was rather a blur. The local rotary club had its annual wine, cheese, and art evening and both James and I were asked to participate. There were, in total, 11 artists who each were asked to show 3 pieces. James did not show paintings, but 2 carved wooden cats and one of the dulcimers he has been building. I showed 3 different birdhouses, one on a post with a welcome sign. James sold a lovely stylized carving of a calico cat. It was carved from part of a poplar the ants had claimed, so we had it taken down. It had mineral figuring (spalling) in the wood and wonderful pinky orange streaks. I sold a birdhouse. We were pleased that 11 pieces of work by local artists sold.
Saturday was the opening for James' new show "Gone Tribal" at Kingfisher Used Books, a cozy little used book store here in Creston. Actually, not so little, as there are 2 floors of great used books. They sell Oso Negro coffee plus the fancy latte's and the like and there are arborite tables and comfy chairs.
The opening was a great success - probably 50 or 60 people milling about. Joe, the owner, had asked Elenna, a local musician, to play her banjo and she sang some of her original songs and a "good time was had by all." The show will hang until June 20.
Amid all the art shows and openings my sister managed to come from Kelowna for a short visit to see my mom at Swan Valley Lodge. We managed to take my mom out a couple times and eat in with her once and while James and I were hanging shows Eileen managed to visit our mom, and she was able to come to James' opening which isn't always possible, and then she was gone.
Now we are getting ready for the Crow Show which opens Sunday, April 15, and the Eye Piqued Show which is a regional art show and will open Apr 29 but work is due by the 21st.