I spent about 3 weeks off my feed and by the end I couldn't tell if it was me being sick or the anti-biotics making me miserable. One is so wretched I have to cut it in half and put it in a gelatin capsule to choke it down. Well, that bout is finished and I'm almost back to eating like a human.
Both James and I find January a lazy month. A few years ago I officially gave myself permission to have Januaries off, in that I don't get anything accomplished anyway.
James has had some reprieve from plowing snow and digging it off the low roofs of the porch and studio. The studio got so bad that the gutters filled and started creating ice dams back onto the roof and James ended up tearing off all the gutters and chopping ice. We will have to find another approach next summer as we do want to save water. My part in this was to ply him with Banana Bread and Sweet Potato Loaf.
I've baked very little in the past couple years since I was having hand surgeries but it is now nearly a year and a half since the last. I still can't open doors with my left hand and have to be careful not to drop things.
Every surgery would mean that that entire palm would peel so I now have no calluses left and a lot of the padding in the palms of my hands is gone. It leaves one feeling very vulnerable, especially when my hands were fairly strong for their small size. I had to realize I was doing things with the tips pf my fingers that others did with more of their finger and therefor it was not such a strain. I finger a drill "creatively" as I can't reach the control with my index finger. I use the middle one.
Our son and his girlfriend are moving from Victoria back to Calgary. I believe it will be a positive move for them as that is where they have many connections in the arts community. I've a feeling Victoria has been a lonely winter and not their common idyllic weather either. They had snow and the whole nine yards! Larry is preceding and Lisa will follow when her current job is done.
I've continued knitting on the Nifty Nitters but have signed up for some real knitting classes later this month. I can't imagine it would be as fast. I can make a toque in an evening. It remains to be seen where this will lead.
I want to find places to give some away to cold folks but I also am toying with whether I could make enough selling them, in which case those may need to be embellished.
"Heartbeat" is about to come on the TV. I mustn't miss that!
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